Wednesday, April 17, 2013


"'s all six of them!"
"What do we do?"
"SHOOT THEM!" The Captain ordered.
"That's an order!"
Stronghold smiled and cracked his knuckles. "Too little too late."
"Let's take 'em guys." Ultra Girl said.
The guards opened fire and Stronghold charged up the stairs, the machine gun bullets bouncing off his skin. He grabbed the closest guard and tossed him against the wall hard enough to knock him out and then turned and kicked the next guard through the air. "It is so good to be back." He laughed. A guard pulled out a stun rod and swung it at him. Stronghold turned and grabbed it in his hand. He stared down the guard for a moment before crushing it in his hand. "Huh. Tingled." He smirked before headbutting the thug.
One of the guards backed away and tried to shoot the civilians but noticed his gun was gone. "Excuse me?" He turned to see The Dude holding his gun. "Is this yours?" He asked before swinging it at the guard by the barrel at super speed, knocking him out.
Carmella grabbed a guard, turned him around and suplexed him into the ground. "Haven't done that in awhile."
Ultra Girl telekinetically lifted two guards into the air, removed their weapons, crushed said weapons and then tossed them against the wall. "That's what you get for threatening my friend."
Reaper pulled out the scythe sword and slashed through a guard's gun and then punched him hard enough to send him flying 12 feet away.
Artemis raced towards another guard, moving too fast for him to get a solid shot on and unsheathing her sword and slicing apart his gun and then leaping up and kicking him with both feet in the face, resheathing her sword and then pulling him up and giving him a rapid fire punch kick combo.
The Justice Patrol took down the guards in seconds. "YEAH! Ahh, it is so good to be working with you guys again."
With the situation under control, they checked on the three civilians and Stronghold took a seat to fill them in on what they had missed while they did their best to clean his wounds. "God, you look horrible." Ultra Girl said.
"I know. It's been insane down here., how did you find us?"
"We found samples of a code from other civilians that directed us here and one of the villains was stupid enough to let slip that he took you here and we got him talking." Artemis said. 
"Wait, civilians?"
"Yeah, there were battles topside too. We all won of course." Dude smiled.
"And one of them told us about the jammers, so I turned them off when we got here..."
"And then I navigated." Ultra Girl explained.
"Man, you guys got here in just in time. Big ugly over there was about to smash me."
"I've been meaning to ask about that."
"Well, I don't know either. The ugly thing you guys ran past earlier nearly killed us all and that was just the first one and we were so busted up we got beaten down by that thing."
Sally sat up. "You....all of you...thank you."
"You're all...amazing." Chandra said.
"Yeah...Stronghold...Stronghold's been protecting us all the whole time..we owe him a lot." Jim smiled.

"Alright, what's the plan?"
"I'm taking them back to the elevator." Carmella said as Sally climbed up on her back and she picked up Chandra and Jim. "And then it's straight to Halworth's with you three, my friends there can fix you right up."
"What...about them?"
"We're going after the madman responsible for all of this." Stronghold said. "I've been itching to get my hands on him. For all of his victims down here, for throwing us to these psycho's and for threatening our city. We're gonna make him pay."
"Are you sure you're good to fight?" Artemis asked, concerned.
"I'll be fine. I'm seeing this through."
" this. Make...these bastards pay." Sally spoke up.
Stronghold gave her a thumb's up.
 "I'll be back as soon as I can." Carmella said and speeded off with the civilians.

"Alright then, shall we?" Stronghold asked and stood up again.
Dude grabbed a stun rod. "Let's." The heroes proceeded through the open doorway.

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