Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Five Seperate Battles: Part 3: Goddess of the Hunt

(WHAT? Jammers? Are you sure?) Artemis asked Ultra Girl telepathically. (Yeah, that's what Violet told me. She wasn't lying either.) (Alright, jammers in the ceiling huh? Okay, since we can't find him anywhere in the city, and there's only one place he could be: He's keeping him underground. It would have to be a large area too if he's sending psychopaths after him as well.) (Do you think it's in the sewers?) (, too easy to get out...there has to be something else...) Artemis trailed off as she noticed something. (Alright, I have to go. Get in touch with the others and tell them this. I'll be back.) Artemis unsheathed her swords as she walked the docks. "Come on out boys." She sensed an attack from behind and turned and blocked a sword strike from behind. She saw a tall masked man. "So, ninja's huh? Tell me where my friend is and I'll let you keep your teeth."
The ninja pressed the attack.

The two dueled in the middle of the docks before he backed away, drawing his sword and slashing at her. The two clashed so fast they were blurring from their speed, their blades clashing at incredible speed. The ninja tried to kick her away but Artemis raised her knee and blocked it and then stabbed at him with both swords. He blocked her swords and the two parted away. The two started circling each other. The ninja crossed his swords and pressed something on his chest. In front of her eyes, the ninja vanished. Artemis smirked. "Camouflage huh?" She turned on her infrared vision in her mask and begin clashing with an invisible ninja. She got in an a stab at his chest but the armor stopped her sword. He spun around and slashed at her legs but Artemis flipped over the swords, leaping several feet through the air and then crossing her swords to block a sword strike from another one. The first ninja was already running over to them, twirling his swords as he spun around and slashed at her. Artemis blocked both swords with one of hers and backpedled away as she dueled both of them at the same time. They were fast, as fast as her and both of them were using two swords and full body armor. They were well trained to, combining martial arts with swordsmanship. They clashed swords with her again and then gave her a double kick in the chest that sent Artemis flying through the air. She skidded on one knee to a stop and then twirled her sword and reached back, blocking a literal back stab attempt from yet another one. Artemis got up and twirled her swords as they surrounded her and then attacked all at once from three sides. Artemis spun and slashed and parried as best she could but she couldn't fight all three of them all at once like this. She turned and ran, sheathing one sword and then turning and throwing down the smoke bombs in front of her to distract them and grappled up to the building there. Artemis saw yet another one charging her and gripped her sword with both hands and charged him. The two rushed each other as fast as they could and then passed by each other. For a few seconds, there was silence. Then Artemis reached down and pulled out a bomb. "One down." She smiled as the ninja collapsed, a slash across his chest. Artemis had cut through his body armor. She ignored the pain in her side from where she'd been cut. It wasn't serious and she threw the bomb several feet to the side. The others had arrived already and were rushing her, but the bomb exploded and destroyed a portion of the roof. The ninja fell through it but dropped his sword and fired a grapple up at the roof. Artemis threw a shuriken at it through and the shock traveled down the grapple and into his hand, causing him to fall to the floor. Artemis followed soon after, leaping down and landing on a pile of crates and then flipping off of them and landing on the ninja and then flipping off of him and then kicking him in the face hard enough to launch him backwards up onto the crates. Glancing around, Artemis noticed a pair of civilians tied to a rope that was dangling from the ceiling, above a meat grinder, with flame throwers firing on and off. The rope was slowly lowering. "I'll have you down in a second!" She called to them and ran over. The remaining two ninja's dropped down and rushed after her. The flamethrowers were playing havoc with her infrared but she would need it for now. Sheathing her sword, she pulled out two bombs: A capsule and a smoke bomb. Artemis pressed the button on the capsule and threw it at the grinder while also throwing up the smoke bomb. The capsule exploded all over the grinder, covering it in sticky gray goop that clogged it up, stopping it from working. Artemis back flipped over the two ninja's as the smoke bomb came back down and blew up in their faces. Thanks to the distraction, she was able to pull out her tazer gun and fired it at the first ninja's back, sending a powerful electric current through his body, taking him out. Unsheathing her swords again, Artemis dueled the remaining ninja in an intense and dazzling display of skill and swordsmanship, the two fighting each other like demons before Artemis got in the finishing blow, slashing him across the chest and then spin kicking him to the ground hard enough to dent his metal helmet. With the ninja down for the moment, Artemis sheathed one sword, threw the other at the rope, calculating the timing in seconds and then running and catching the couple before they fell into the flames, landing safely. "Are you alright?"
The ninja recovered and was leaping over her head, ready to bring down his sword on her but Artemis whipped out a second tazer gun and fired it at him without even looking, shocking the hell out of the ninja even through his armor and dropping him.
With the ninja's taken care of, she untied the civilians and turned off her infra vision. "Are you alright?" She repeated.
"Yes, thank you, oh thank you!" The man and woman hugged her. "Woah! Uh, yeah, you're welcome. yeah. Now, did they give you anything? A-a piece of a code maybe?"
"Oh yes, here, right here." The man said and handed it to her, pulling the piece of paper out of his pocket and handing it to her. "Great, thanks."
She stood up and turned off the flamethrowers before gathering her gear. The woman noticed the blood on her side. "Oh...are-are you alright?"
"It's nothing. A scratch. Call the police, let them know what happened here." Artemis said and headed out. "Artemis here, area secured." (And now for that medical pack I keep in the cycle.) She thought to herself.

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